WRITER’S BLOCK. I’m Gonna Be Dead Now!

You sit in with a mindset to write something great. You have the laptop open in front of you with a steaming cup of coffee by your side, some soft rock or indie-pop playing in low volume, a perfect setting to write down the next masterpiece. But you forget His presence. And especially of the fact that He’s in his jovial best.

You calm your mind, murmur some silent prayers and get ready to begin when


your ears burst with a riotous laughter in the background with your mind subsequently going as blank as a white sheet. You are confused at the melodramatic turn of events but gather yourself in quick time. Fending off any sign of incompetence, you try to focus again when voila! The damned thing happens again!

Now you are seriously miffed. You make an irritating face and gulp down some coffee. The caffeine spurs you into momentary enthusiasm and in a desperate attempt, you try to indite again, stringing together beads of a new masterpiece. But by this time, the earlier failures take a toll on you. Whatever you write seems incompetent of your standards. Having so under performed, you are now awfully pissed off, gulping down all the coffee at one go, before opening Google Chrome to check your Facebook notifications.


Wondering why I told you the story?

Writer’s Block, in itself, is a very amusing thing. You seem to know everything but your brain kinda gets lost with words and construction. And the worst part is, there’s no particular solution to the problem.

As the saying goes, “If a problem stops you from writing, write the problem instead”, here’s my jibe at something that’d troubled authors ( and me ) for ages : The Writer’s Block.

Troubled for the past many days, this is an attempt at overcoming the wretched thing, and with the way the words have arranged themselves, I’m seeing light at the other end!

New Look

I have always maintained that the theme is the soul of a blog. Put on a monotonous theme and no matter how good the content is, nobody’s got time to read it through; now put on something colorful and festive, and everyone suddenly sits up and takes notice!

It’s a simple psychological state of mind, you know, that when we see something colorful and vivid, we automatically presume it to be good content while at the same breath, when we see something a bit off-color, we presume it as unlikable and boring.

Guys who’ve been in my blog before would know, I previously had this theme called Forever. A beautiful theme with a white background, it was any blogger’s delight. But, my friend, there is no word called perfect in this transient world. It posed a severe problem. The font size was extraordinarily small ( some microscopic level ) and there was no way I could customize it. I even had some of my readers write to me complaining about their difficulty to read my articles because of the small font size. Also, I felt, it was kinda monotonous to some extent – everything in white and grey. So I felt I should change it. And here it is!

I found this one randomly and the color so caught my eyes that I immediately decided upon it being my theme for the time being. Though I realize Christmas is far away, I kinda enjoy the festive mood the theme brings to the table. Told ‘ya, being colorful always draws more attention!